18 Kasım 2014 Salı

Belki Benim Bakterim Döne Dolaşa Senin Cebine Girmiştir

Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’ne (WHO) göre hastalıkların %80’i ellerimiz üzerinden bulaşıyor. Bu konudaki en büyük şüpheli ise banknotlar. Tui Antibacterial Gel Y&R Bogota ile işbirliği yaparak bu konuya dikkat çekmek istemiş. Marka, 3500 peso değerindeki banknot üzerine QR kod basmış. Banknotlar üzerinde bulunan Qr kodunu okutan tüketici para kaç kez el değiştirdiğini ve paranın üzerinde ne kadar bakteri olduğunu görme şansı yakalamış. Kampanyanın ilk ayında QR kodlar 1.525.345 kez okutulmuş. ”Bacteria Tracker” kampanyası toplamda 600.000’den fazla kişiye ulaşarak ürünün satışlarının %68 artmasını sağlamış.

The World Health Organisation reports that 80% of infections are spread through our hands. And one of the biggest culprits is handling the humble bank note, which exposes people to millions of nasty bacteria each day. Tui Antibacterial Gel, along with Y&R, Bogota, wanted to let people know just how filthy their money was – and promote its germ-killing gel as their saviour. The brand stamped $3,500 worth of pesos bills with QR codes and a prompt to scan. Once they zapped the code, people were led to a mobile-optimised site that told them how many other people had touched the money, approximately how much bacteria it contained, and a map of where it had travelled (populated by visualising where other people had scanned the same note). he brand reports that the codes were scanned 1,525,345 times in the first month. The Bacteria Tracker campaign reached more than 600,000 people with its message, helping to increase sales of the antibacterial gel by 68% compared with the previous year.

Kaynak: http://elmaaltshift.com/

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